8: Aberrant
A Trinity game set in a near future a decade after the emergence of Novas, superhumans capable of just about anything. The Aberrant setting plays them as celebrities, featuring an active “Novox” music scene as well as other areas of celebrity like acting and powered-up wrestling, and a Nova singer is the biggest music star of the moment.
The PCs could easily start out world famous, so if the players want there’s plenty of material to play as the focus of a media circus - the first edition has an adventure where one of the PCs could run for President.
Kelly Bryant
(sad piano cover)
Kelly is the new It girl of Novox crossover pop, although her powers actually have nothing to do with music. Management are a little more careful around her than most manufactured pop stars because a breakdown might result in her starting city-wide riots.
Kelly Bryant, singer, who doesn’t have any powers that affect her music but her superhuman charisma glosses over her reliance on backing singers
Jason Costas, main backing musician, producer and songwriter, fiercely protective and hopelessly in love
Ross, manager, fully aware that this is a once-in-a-lifetime thing to be protected by any means necessary
Hope 1
Ego 1
Fanbase 1
Cash 0
Performance Traits
Technique 3
Power 1
Stagecraft 3
Everything she does feels like a Publicity Stunt or a Work Scene. At some point she’s going to want out...
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