Wednesday, 5 October 2022

007 60: James Bond anniversary

Dr. No came out in British cinemas on this day in 1962, introducing James Bond to the big screen.

The magic Bond formula was mostly there from the start, though it and From Russia With Love have some Early Instalment Weirdness like the use of the Bond theme whenever he does anything kind of interesting without much dialogue, and the pulp mystery or Scooby-Doo style fake dragon boat, and Russia being more of a straight spy story than the series followed for a good long while.

From Rewatch With Love podcast with visual information added, which confirms that the editor threw the theme in a lot and that that’s Sean Connery’s stuntman shooting the POV up there.

And the series has gone on to change a lot, shifting in tone with eras and Bonds, up to a full reboot with Daniel Craig and another one needed next time. (As discussed with those in charge at Empire. Spoilers for No Time To Die, obviously.) What will it be like?

It also has the rights-sharing-induced oddities Casino Royale 1967 and Never Say Never Again. (But of course Sean Connery’s best encore as Bond is The Rock.)

A couple decades later the official James Bond RPG took on the likes of TSR’s Top Secret, with Hero Points and a character creation system designed to create teams of rookies, a smaller group of veterans, or just one OO agent to take on the same adventures.

Need a suitable hook? None of the post Ian Fleming licensed books have been filmed. No sign of the comics being adapted either. And no revival for the cartoon James Bond Jr.

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