Tuesday 21 May 2024

Highlander 2: Yellowknife

Long have I wondered about the early news that Highlander 2 would be subtitled Yellowknife, and concern an old enemy coming after Connor. I first thought it might be a character’s name or nickname. I later learned that it was a place in Canada. That made me think it would involve the colonial era or something.

(Warning: a few plagiarism algorithm illustrations throughout.)

We’re still in the future, and it’s also the Biblical Armageddon. And in amongst some poorly considered Holy Land issues and a prison for Immortal souls trapped in spheres and an unnecessary Olympic race and a space hotel and Conner turning out to be the angel Gabriel...

I just... I don’t get how it seemed this hard to make a Highlander sequel.

Like, yes, the original ends with Connor now free of immortality and with a new power that could be useful, but have some flashbacks (that aren’t to another planet) and an enemy who’s stolen immortality or has a magic weapon or something. An addition to the setting, but not... that much of one.

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