23: Surrealist Drama
Over The Edge is the biggest RPG for the surrealist drama genre. It packs a lot of hooks and other stuff into its city seting so there are ghosts and aliens and talking animals and a threat from the future moving back in time to make itself real, so it feels more like William S. Burroughs’s Interzone or indeed 2000 A.D.’s Mega-City One than something only slightly odd on the surface with a small number of deep weird secrets like Twin Peaks.
Unknown Armies is more under the surface, but the PCs are usually at least partially in the know and active participants in the weird conflicts.
So for a band that would fit Al Amarja, crank up the Weird Level:
Long Live
A group of musicians who supposedly died under mysterious circumstances or were reportedly seen after their deaths. Are they resurrected, ghosts, lookalikes, clones? And more importantly, can they agree on a setlist?
Jolene, lead singer, possibly a Leannan Sidhe
King, lead guitar, seems younger on stage than off
Nona Noonan, keyboards, everybody’s darling
Hope 1
Ego 1
Fanbase 1
Cash 0
Performance Traits
Technique 3
Power 2
Stagecraft 2
A glaring tendency towards Showboating for a band that sometimes hides their identities
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