Sunday 30 July 2023

Saving the world or ruling it?

The X-Men comics for the past few years have been about the superpowered mutant nation of Krakoa, complete with the Met-style Hellfire Gala as an excuse for diplomacy, intrigue, and fashion / formal versions of lots of superheroes’ costumes.

(Seemingly being annual in and out of character also means time passed faster than usual in comics, so the era lasted a few years for the characters too.)

We have apparently reached the status quo button, but it lasted longer than is often the case.

Ever done something like this, putting your perennially struggling PCs and their allies on top for a while?

Not the one or two session version changing the setting to try it like House of M but for real and for a long arc?

Star Wars had the New Republic last a long time in books and about an hour in the Sequel Era.

Angel kinda did it in season five, though they weren’t happy about it, and Buffy The Vampire Slayer kinda did it in the season eight comics.

The tricky part would be to make this fun. The Krakoa era feels kind of like a Vampire: The Masquerade game shifting from scrappy Anarchs to the elite in Elysium, not exactly what the players signed up for so will they enjoy it?

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