Tuesday 22 August 2023

RPGaDay2023 22) Best SECONDHAND RPG purchase


22) Best SECONDHAND RPG purchase

2014 answer: an auction purchase, the Dark Harvest art collection.

2023 answer: a non-auction regular second-hand purchase, getting that copy of Marvel SAGA off my wishlist.

One word prompt


You get the weirdest stuff in second-hand stores. Monkeys’ paws, Mogwai, raspberry berets... These days, try eBay.

Less so charity shops. They generally avoid cursed items.

Friday The 13th: The Series makes it the basis of a case-of-the-week urban fantasy show. and a perfectly workable game concept - you just need a decent-sized list of cursed antiques.

Don't touch anything.

In one notable example in a Buffy play-by-post game, a werewolf accidentally sold her curse, which would have been fine if there hadn’t been an eager buyer waiting...

1 comment:

  1. Richard Bat Brewster
    Craig Oxbrow every once in a while I ponder a rewatch of Friday The 13th: The Series and running a game. Maybe Witchcraft or WoD as the basis.

    Those would work, or Gumshoe for more of a focus on solving the mystery. Or Buffy for more punching the mystery. 🙂

    Richard Bat Brewster
    good call 🙂
    Last week I was chatting with the wife about a game based around a shop with staff that help people with all sorts of things, 'Ghibli-esque'. I guess now I am thinking about it, this is a tiny bit related to the Friday 13th 😉 😆
