Wednesday 9 October 2019


Gemini Man has been in development for so long that they could almost have filmed it Boyhood style without needing the de-ageing effects.

Have you ever had a PC cloned, outside of Paranoia? Or a fantasy doppelganger or something similar? They’re usually more or less identical rather than noticeably different like the younger Gemini copy, to cause confusion and trouble for the original.

I once had a high-power Cyberpunk PC who was actually a batch of clones, each trained in a different skill, so that they could record their skills and plug in expertise. And latterly a Marvel SAGA character based on a similar idea, able to upload his mind into different cloned bodies engineered for different specialisations.

And The Watch House included Milli being reincarnated from a magical parallel universe... and the parallel versions of the rest of the PCs coming to get her back.


  1. In one of our aborted superhero campaigns, I had the players face off against an alt-reality version of one of their number.

    Only problem was he used his powers (namely, mind control) more intelligently than they did and almost wiped the floor with them single-handedly!

    1. Smart power use is a really nasty trick! (Magneto seems to be the exemplar, taking "telekinesis but only for metal" and making it a world-class threat.)
