Friday 25 October 2019

The chat show of your setting

The Jim Henson Company are bringing a talk show to Disney+ which is hosted by an alien.

Talk / chat shows are a weird format, one that generally only works here weekly but in the US there seem to be multiple on most networks every weeknight. The larger entertainment industry helps, of course, although that doesn’t explain the deep oddness of such shows, for example the Craig Ferguson run of The Late Late Show. Or the question of whether Stephen Colbert is real. K has suggested you could do something like that as a feature in a World Of Darkness game with basically no changes.

See also Space Ghost Coast To Coast.

And of course The Muppet Show is a variety show with celebrity guests, which is a related form, though the trouble with getting it made every week is the main focus.

What would your modern-ish settings’ talk shows be like?

This may not come up unless the PCs watch one... or are invited on one, or their actions make the news and the opening monologue... or the game is set around producing one!

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