Wednesday 1 September 2021

What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead Of His Hands?

Marvel’s What If...?
1.03: What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead Of His Hands?

The second What If...? story I ever read was also the first Doctor Strange story I ever read, in which he joins the bad guys after they heal his hands. (In this universe the TV pilot didn’t become a series.) It ends with basically What If...? Ending 2, as did the first I read. They all have the Watcher pontificate about what it all means.

And this week we get an Ending 3.

Yes, folks!


I thought last week might have been as close as we’d get, but they went for it.

And we also have the Watcher get involved, and explain why he avoids intervening which is nice of him.

Pulling Strange in two lets us keep the hero around as well as the hubristic villain. And lets us have a Cloak of Levitation fight too.

In the Sacred Timeline MCU, Christine doesn’t go to the awards ceremony with Stephen, so pretty harsh of this universe to decide she has to die for his motivation even when he doesn’t pick her up.

Tentacle monsters should know better than to come through portals in this show by now.

O’Bengh may or may not be Cagliostro, as he is in the comics. Either way he’s the most prominent comics character to make an MCU debut in What If...?

Also, Misguided Strange ate a gnome.

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