Monday 31 August 2020




Experience Points, and the experiences of gaming itself.

Experience Points are a deep abstraction unless a game separates them out. In D&D they go into the bank for a level, a bunch of new abilities and boosts all at once. I do like the BRP version where using a skill lets you try to improve it, but it can lead to characters switching weapons just to get a tick. Games where characters start competent often de-emphasise them compared to the classic zero-to-hero level model.

And they’re one of the basic units of RPG rules that has made it into other kinds of game. I remember being rather thrown when I saw an advert for a temporary double experience point boost for a shooting video game as a promotion for an energy drink.

But anyway, the actual experience of RPGs is much more than the points accrued. Gaming has forged lasting friendships, created families, inspired creativity and learning, encouraged me for one to travel as well.

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