Monday 10 August 2020




“I don’t know. I... I mean, ‘want’ isn’t always the right thing to do. To act on want can be wrong.”
“But... to not act on want... What if I never feel this way again?”

Over on the general strand I talked about what players and characters want, and where they conflict.

Buffy characters sign up for the good fight, some more grudgingly than others but all in to some extent. But they also want other things too...

Buffy wants some semblance of a normal life, though she accepts she’s never going to get it for long if at all. In the high school years she also wants the boy she can’t be with. Willow wants to learn, and to some extent to be powerful. Xander wants to prove he isn’t as useless as he often feels. Giles wants to atone for past mistakes, and to keep Buffy safe, in conflict with his original obligations as her Watcher to make her the best possible soldier in the fight against evil.

What do your characters want beyond the kicking of evil ass? Who has Love in their Drawbacks, or Obligation, or Conspicuousness, or any of the other motivators to jump into a plot?

1.10: Punch And Bowl

Madison gets the chance to organise a charity event, to impress the sorority president and that nice boy from the varsity charities group. So she wants everybody to come, and she’d really like it if no monsters attack. Of course somebody else would really like it if it doesn’t go well...

“Somebody killed the caterer? Where am I going to get vol-au-vents at this hour?”

1 comment:

  1. "Next time we hire a caterer, get one of those special forces chefs."
    "Like the cook for the Initiative?"
