Tuesday 18 August 2020




“It’s nice to meet you both.”
“I’m nice to meet.”
The Freshman

Having already talked about meeting NPCs, and PCs, and about in-character meetings, going a bit more specific:

Meeting NPC hero types.

One of the very first pieces of advice I read about RPGs in general and superheroic RPGs in particular was an article by Phil Masters in White Dwarf (v1) 65 on NPCs in supers settings, including addressing the presence of other heroes in the setting - “otherwise the players may feel they are fighting a lonely and unbalanced war.”

Buffy really is fighting a lonely and unbalanced war, “one girl in all the world”, and Angel is even more unique as protagonists go. But they meet other heroic types along the way. Buffy stops being the only slayer pretty early, for better or worse. The Initiative appears in Season Four and... mostly gets in the way, apart from Riley. Angel meets Gunn’s street-level vampire hunters, among others.

So there’s room for team-ups, often involving superhero misunderstanding fights first naturally.

This is a big enough deal for a two-parter...

2.06: Multiple Choice

A monstrous big deal arising, and the gang might conclude it has something to do with mysterious sightings of three women in dark fighting-friendly outfits. But this is a post-Chosen spinoff show, so...

“They’re slayers? Like, all of them?”
“We look more like slayers than you do, Easy Breezy Covergirl.”

2.07: Common Cause

A well-equipped band of travelling monster hunters offering Shelly a place. Does she really belong with regular folks...?

“Wow, they say never meet your heroes.”
“You’re my hero.”
“You know what I mean.”

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