The Watch House
RPGs and related matters, by Craig Oxbrow.
Sunday, 9 February 2025
Important news
World Pizza Day on Super Bowl Sunday. Hmm. Time to get... something. Popcorn maybe?
Saturday, 8 February 2025
Friday, 7 February 2025
Magic: The Gathering movie(s)?
Hasbro and Legendary spinning up Magic: The Gathering for a cinematic universe with movies and possibly TV. News at Empire.
Thursday, 6 February 2025
What does that have to do with the price of eggs?
100,000 organic eggs worth $40,000 stolen in Maryland.
National Werewolf Day
National Werewolf Day, as I discovered last year due to Film4 dedicating their showing of Werewolves Within. Marked since 2016, but I am not clear which nation is supposed to be celebrating.
Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Play? Time?
Really shouldn’t offer a new game for the five people asking at GEAS right now. As they may not all be together, may not all be interested, and I already have nine players on Sunday evening in the event everybody actually came.
Tuesday, 4 February 2025
The Fantastic 4: First Steps
First Steps trailer and talk at Empire. Retro 60s scifi world!
Monday, 3 February 2025
A Buffy revival pilot?
A Buffy The Vampire Slayer revival pilot possibly moving with script from Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Poker Face co-executive producers Nora and Lilla Zuckerman, with ChloƩ Zhao (Eternals) to direct, and I say revival because Sarah Michelle Gellar is in! Probably as the Giles to a new slayer. We shall see. Hopefully.
Final Destination: Bloodlines trailer
Final Destination is BACK baby! Discussion at Empire. More of a clip than a trailer, starring Richard Harmon, Murphy from The 100, as a similarly unfortunate type. On the red band side.
Sunday, 2 February 2025
V5 Empire 1.13
Note to self: look up how this Vampire: The Masquerade canon character died officially now that I’ve killed him in my game.
Saturday, 1 February 2025
Friday, 31 January 2025
Character Creation Challenge 2025 Roundup
Character Creation Challenge 2025
Starting a day late and going with an idea that means using one system I can do stats for in four seconds, I hope I still made for entertaining reading.
It’s given me several ideas I’m tempted to run, a blues versus Cthulhu idea I want to make as a TV series or something, and some lovely reactions on RPGnet and elsewhere:
Rich Stokes, creator of UmlƤut
Seeing this made my day!
Seeing people occasionally still having fun with UmlƤut 15 years later is wonderful.
Thanks for enjoying it!
Xeni Giardiniera of Velvet Generation
Statting Velvet Generation as a band/character from ĆmlaĆ¼t is my favorite kind of deranged.
Also managed to only reuse one artist when providing a song every day. (And failed to include Garbage. Hmm. Could edit something...)
Thanks to TardisCaptain for the challenge and everybody who took part or cheered us on.
Character Creation Challenge 2025 Collection
Character Creation Challenge 2025
TardisCaptain introduction and after action report
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3: Dungeons & Dragons & Such
4: Call Of Cthulhu and family
8: Aberrant
9: Aeon
10: Superheroes
12: Monsterhearts
13: Horror One-Shots
15: Doctor Who
16: Star Wars
17: Star Trek
18: Kids On Bikes
19: Meddling Kids
20: Action Comedy
21: Westerns
22: Ancient Settings
23: Surrealist Drama and 23a: Quieter Weirdness
24: WAR
25: TOON
29: Post-Apocalypse
30: Big Bands
Character Creation Challenge 2025 Encore
Character Creation Challenge 2025
Encore: Adventures And Series About Bands
And now, finally, a thought on RPGs and other stories about bands.
There are two extremes, one where it’s all about the story of the band, and one where a band is an excuse for the characters to be together and for some music in the show. In the middle are a lot of series which mix stories about the music with the old “you’re on the way to a show when the adventure happens” setup.
UmlƤut models the first kind, designed for one-shots that generate the history of a band, the kind of story that gets told in Behind The Music.
I’ve mostly aimed for the middle this month, wanting the band setup to bring at least some adventure hooks and drama for a spin on a setting.
The other extreme would be something like The Monkees, a post A Hard Day’s Night sitcom that happens to star a prefab band and their day job rarely mattered to plots like the first example I saw of a will requiring would-be inheritors to spend the night in a haunted house.
Josie And The Pussycats is also a helpful demonstration here, with the movie being a satire about the band making it big and the effect it has on them with a mystery to solve, the cartoon being a Scooby-Doo thing with added songs, and the comics often being a mix of comedy, light band drama and “on the way to a show when..." stories.
Band stories in comics often go this way, from Scott Pilgrim via various Pussycats runs through Band Vs. Band. Exaggerations of the ups and downs of bands’ lives, often involving action scenes.
(Not always of course, see Love And Rockets.)
Josie And The Pussycats
A small time band with big time dreams and a way of getting in trouble everywhere they go.
Josie, vocals and guitar, really wants this to be a thing
Val, bass, here to support her friends
Melody, drums, what were we talking about
Hope 1
Ego 1
Fanbase 1
Cash 0
Performance Traits
Technique 2
Power 4
Stagecraft 1
They can turn their hands to anything so they never Showboat, how dare you
Character Creation Challenge 2025 31: UmlƤut: Game Of Metal
Character Creation Challenge 2025
31: UmlƤut: Game Of Metal
And finally... (Except that of course there’s an encore.)
UmlƤut has a random band naming system. Draw two cards, first is band type by suit (Classic, Thrash, Glam, Death) and first word by value, second is second word by value.
Spades is Thrash, 3 of Spades is Agony and then a Queen is Kingdom:
Agony Kingdom
Thrash Metal classicists, although unusually their logo is legible
Doug, lead vocals and rhythm guitar, not his natural hair colour (or anyone’s)
Josh, lead guitar, can also play keyboards
Mike, bass, most likely to wear a hat
Carl, drums, also van driving
Hope 1
Ego 1
Fanbase 1
Cash 0
Performance Traits
Technique 3
Power 3
Stagecraft 1
Dare they try a Face Melter?
The Galactic Starcruiser lands
Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser, the theme park hotel LARP faux-cruise, is now to be converted to office space for Disney park imagineers, so they can be surrounded by reminders of a massive failure.
Thursday, 30 January 2025
Wolf Man
Wolf Man (2025), co-writer and director Leigh Whannell’s follow-up to The Invisible Man (2020) and another Universal monster modernisation, has some great suspense sequences (a couple reminiscent of the first two Jurassic Park films) and good practical effects although the look says Orc more than Wolf Man, one really wince-inducing moment, an interesting take on superhuman senses, and some bits where it will be too dark to see outside of cinemas.
It leans into the doomed aspect of werewolf stories and doesn’t bring much fun along the way, or a twist as good as The Invisible Man had. Worth it for some of the suspense, but it’s grim stuff. I can imagine the abandoned Daaaark Universe version would have been more amusing.
The really wince-inducing moment, behind the More.
Character Creation Challenge 2025 30: Big Bands
Character Creation Challenge 2025
30: Big Bands
And now a kind of game that’s about a band rather than a band in a kind of game.
A standard band is the same kind of size as a PC party. For a big band or an orchestra, or a festival with multiple acts playing, you might have to megagame or LARP it.
Live (Action Roleplay) for one night only
Games with large players base, like LARPs or megagames or chats, often cope with this by splitting them into factions. In a festival that’s various bands, but in something like an orchestra it could be sections like brass and woodwind, who should be able to play together but fiction about them often has backstabbing second chair musicians and the like. They’re all trying to push their own agendas, in a one-shot possibly rated for points. And somebody has to play the organisers, promoters, conductors and the like trying to get everybody playing the same tune.
In a smaller group, every player could control a band as in UmlƤut or a section of an orchestra.
(This game idea in no way influenced by my experience of working arts events.)
Throw in a murder mystery if you really want to get everybody talking.
The Miskatonic University Orchestra
An orchestra with a mix of dedicated musicians, hopeful amateurs and absolute weirdoes
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
Character Creation Challenge 2025 29: Post-Apocalypse
Character Creation Challenge 2025
29: Post-Apocalypse
Post-apocalypse settings are often more like Westerns than anything else, sometimes war stories if the PCs have enough gear and there are clear enough sides.
The aftermath of a realistic nuclear war would be rather less adventurous, but nowadays we have other ways to destroy civilisation with a few more survivors. (Yay...)
Looking like GWAR do already is optional.
And then there’s Gamma World which due to its cartoony mutations would let you play the Bremen Town Musicians again.
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Minimum Safe Distance
Content warning for violent news and documentary imagery
Possibly the last band in the world. Nice boys really.
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