Sunday 10 September 2017

Stephen King games

Yes, the new film of IT just came out.

There’s never been an official Stephen King setting RPG (or much King-based gaming at all, apart from a computer game of The Running Man film) though The Dark Tower cycle and perhaps The Stand are big enough settings to support them, and his fantasy novels and collaborations like The Talisman and Eyes Of The Dragon would be easy to adapt, even without keeping the connections to the wider King mythos. The TV series Haven and the American Vampire comics could work as well.

Likewise, Salem’s Lot would be a useful example of modernising and localising something like Dracula.

I’ve observed before that Carrie is one real friend away from a superhero origin, and Firestarter basically is one, complete with a recurring secret government program to run from - and there was once a plan for a sequel series with Charlie leading a team of paranormal heroes. The Dead Zone TV series runs with the heroic possibilities of Johnny Smith’s precognition too. You could easily put together a League of Extraordinary King Characters...

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