Sunday 17 November 2019

Sometimes player and GM ideas fit together just right.

In this case, I had some of the reveals planned, but not the method. Or the emotional fallout...

And it really helps to have plot ideas in your back pocket on a night like this.

Since a bunch of mysterious stuff happened eighty-two years before the present in the series, and was going to be revealed, I had a sketchy plan for a future session where at least some of that happened interactively, perhaps through the ghost of one of those involved who I had sort of established as possibly a witch and who died tragically.

And this session, the player of Charity the witch (with the Tragic Love Drawback) decided to try a seance to call her up then and there. And after being warned not to break the circle, the circle got borked.

And so Charity found herself back in time on the day this beautiful, tragic and highly relatable figure was meant to die.

Yes it’s one of my A Buffy Season hooks and not one of the ones about a band! I finally got to drop it on someone, who was happy to have it dropped on her.

The tricky bit was keeping the meanwhile-in-the-present part active, and having a strong enough reason for her to come back to the present...

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