Tuesday 1 October 2024

31 Days Of Horror 2024

31 Days Of Horror XIV: Officially A Reimagining, Bur We Don’t Know Why
Also at Bluesky


0: A History Of Horror with Mark Gatiss (2010)

Gatiss, of The League Of Gentlemen and recent BBC Ghost Stories For Christmas, got to interview various creators for BBC Four in this and the follow-up series European Horror, based almost entirely on his personal favourites. Lucky devil. I saw it at the time, and spotted it on Amazon Prime. Gatiss makes for fun company, and the choices mean we get a decent visit to everyone he talks to.

On Prime Video, though it still has the BBC Four station outros on two of the three episodes.


1: Dracula (1958)

Hammer’s version changes as much from the book as the Universal one, but it has Lee and Cushing, colour, the tear-down-the-curtains finale and the “DRA-CUU-LAAA!” theme tune.

Gameability: Skilled monster hunters who sometimes have to improvise wildly. Yes, that’s gameable.

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