Sunday 15 December 2019

December 15: Fairytales

As a family event, a lot of family-friendly stories are brought out around Christmas.

15: Fairytales
“When you wish upon a star...”

In the UK, pantomimes are a big thing in theatres around this time, telling often deeply meta and strange versions of fairytales with a lot more drag and pop culture jokes than a new observer might expect.

Likewise, Scottish Ballet has a fairytale-themed child-friendly show over the holiday season - this year, The Snow Queen - and other shows are on in theatres and special screenings in cinemas as well as on the TV.

Disney films and other versions of various fairytales are also likely to show up on TV and sometimes in seasonal rereleases and screenings, even if there isn’t a new one out for the holidays as there is this year with Frozen II.

So that’s another option, perhaps going higher fantasy than normal for one session if the Weird Level allows it.

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