Friday 3 July 2020

Movies From Parallel Paramount

Paramount Unproduced Properties 1983-1997, working through a gigantic file of scripts and ideas Paramount Studios didn’t make in that time, title by title. A view into otherspace showing some potentially great movies we lost, as well as some less so. The Terence Malick project I just went by would probably have been worth checking out, for example. The David Mamet remake of Ace In The Hole too...

There was a Continental Op screenplay in the late 80s. And Congo made it to script in 1980!

Tracing them by date would probably reveal a lot as well, as I spot attempt to cash in on trends year on year. I suspect that the adaptation of The Black Arrow written the same year as Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves came out might not be a coincidence.

There are quite a few former X teaches kids to do X and win championship screenplays, from band to cheerleading to... parachute jumping.

Most of them I can kind of see. But an explanation for Bardo would be nice.

Thanks to RPGnet user Lenin for the link.

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