Friday 12 March 2021


WandaVision is complete, including the Assembled making of documentary. So...

Who’s been messing up everything?
It’s been Agatha All Along!

The first two episodes play particularly differently knowing what’s going on. They were very much framed to look like Wanda was not at all in charge of her new life. There’s the sinister observer at the end of episode one who turns out to be Darcy, the question of “Who’s doing this to you, Wanda?” being answered as (mostly) herself, and a variety of red herrings we now know are red herrings.

The wheels come off the sitcom wagon in episode three and we get flung into the widescreen real world and never go all the way back.

This brings us a haunting look at the Blip, the return of a couple of lovable side characters, a play on a big comics storyline for our heroes that comes to an entirely opposite conclusion vindicating them, a smash hit villain song, some strong questions about heroism, and final battles won by wisdom.

It’s about the weight of grief, the levels of it, and how you might neither get over it or by broken by it but find how to live with it.

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