Friday 31 August 2018

RPG a Day 2018 Roundup

0. RPG a Day 2018

1. What do you love about RPGs?
2. What is the first thing you look for in an RPG?
3. What gives a game “staying power”?
4. Most memorable NPC?
5. Favourite recurring NPC?
6. How can players make a world seem real?
7. How can a GM make the stakes important?
8. How can we get more people playing?
9. How has a game surprised you?
10. How has gaming changed you?
11. Wildest character name?
12. Wildest character concept?
13. Describe how your play has evolved.
14. Describe a failure that became amazing.
15. Describe a tricky RPG experience you enjoyed.
16. Describe your plans for your next game.
17. Describe the best compliment you’ve had gaming.
18. Art that inspires your game.
19. Music that enhances your game.
20. Which game mechanic inspires your play the most?
21: Which dice mechanic appeals to you?
22: Which non-dice system appeals to you?
23: Which game do you hope to play again?
24. Which RPG do you think deserves more recognition?
25. Game that had an impact on you in the last 12 months.
26. Gaming ambition for the next 12 months.
27. Share a great stream / actual play
28. Share whose inspiring gaming excellence you’re grateful for.
29. Share a friendship you have because of RPGs.
30. Share something you learned about playing your character.
31. Share why you take part in RPGaDAY.

RPG a Day 2017
RPG a Day 2016
RPG a Day 2015
RPG a Day 2014

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