Friday 30 November 2018

Buffy BOOM! and free streaming news

A first look at Dan Mora’s character designs for the new day-one-is-now Buffy comics series. If you’ve been avoiding the news, this is in the realm of spoilers, notably how certain characters are around earlier than expected.

It feels slightly odd to see the likenesses of such familiar faces in a modernised reboot, but then redesigning their looks would take a lot more effort and put old fans off.

Also, as of today you can get all of Buffy, Angel and Firefly free on Facebook. Apparently Facebook has a streaming thing.

Willow is the only one of the core four with a major wardrobe modernisation, with shorter hair and a sort of emo thing going on. Out and/or magic-y already, perhaps? Buffy rarely wore plaid (usually when she was undercover or miserable) but Xander looks like Xander and Giles has not tried to improve on perfection.

Suited and booted Drusilla looks sharp.

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