Sunday 4 November 2018

The Watch House 15th Anniversary!

Tonight is the fifteenth anniversary of the first Actual Play post for The Watch House, which I put up not long after the first session.

This game changed my life, and not just mine.

This is why this here RPG blog has such a baffling name.

DVD box set covers

Ahh, pre-recast William...

I would go on to figure out colour balance.

Actually quite proud of this one... and no idea where the back cover went.

Outlines around the subtitle would have been good, yes.

Did I not do season five? Doy.

Yes our cast is too large.

Okay, I got slightly better with colour balance.


  1. Congratulations! That's so impressive and inspirational. Any celebrations planned?

    1. Mostly shocking the players with the news on Twitter. :)
