Friday, 3 January 2025

Character Creation Challenge 2025 3: Dungeons & Dragons & Such

Character Creation Challenge 2025

3: Dungeons & Dragons & Such

Now one I haven’t actually run a game of, but anyways.

Strolling players with optional wagon are the medieval-ish fantasy equivalent of a band in a van, and D&D has Bard as one of the mainline PC options to the extent that Edgin leads the party in Honour Among Thieves. All-Bard parties are a popular one-shot gag idea but you sometimes hear about groups really going for it.

This would also work with similar setups like Warhammer Fantasy, where Kim Newman’s classic novel Drachenfels is about the Shakespeare of the setting putting on a play about a legendary undead sorcerer and you can guess how well that goes...

The Lambert Players

Strolling players who have a habit of getting in trouble on the road, sometimes play to grand and not-so-grand courts, once had to put on a show for a ruined castle full of restless spirits, and are always on the lookout for a catchy new tune.

Lambert, lute, Human Bard with a tendency to fall in love faster than he can think
Mac, pipes, Dwarf Fighter/Bard who would be very happy if the mosh pit was invented
Embreth, lyre, Wood Elf Bard/Druid here to see the wonders of the Realm
Red, percussion, Orc Fighter and security

Hope 1
Ego 1
Fanbase 1
Cash 0

Performance Traits
Technique 3
Power 2
Stagecraft 2

Magic helps with Publicity Stunt Scenes, the strolling player bit can be a Fanbase issue

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