Saturday 1 January 2022

Character Creation Challenge 1a: Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy characters are created through points for Attributes, Skills, Qualities and Drawbacks, and there are a couple of different options for how many you get, most commonly Heroes who start with more points in most places and White Hats who start with more narrative-influencing Drama Points and regain them more easily.

See last year for my experience as director and player.

Having created two seasons’ worth of plot hooks about a college newspaper with sketched-in characters, this makes an easy start.

The Fenmore College Sentinel has always been a home for journalism majors, photographers in the college arts section, and the like. And it has a history of breaking stories. And also a history of reporters going missing.

One Hero, and guess what...

Shelly Carter
Type: Hero, Shelly The Vampire Slayer

Description: Doesn’t look dangerous.
Example quote: “Oh, hey there, forces of evil, how you doing tonight?”

Chiara Aurelia

Shelly is a freshman at Fenmore College, and wasn’t really planning on joining the student paper, but crossed paths with the staff while investigating a ritual murder as part of her main extracurricular activity of being a Vampire Slayer. They helped save the world so, yeah.

Attributes (20 + 11 from Slayer Quality)
Strength 7 (3 levels part of Slayer Quality)
Dexterity 7 (3 levels part of Slayer Quality)
Constitution 5 (3 levels part of Slayer Quality)
Intelligence 3
Perception 4
Willpower 5 (2 levels part of Slayer Quality)

Skills (20 + 2 for Slayer Quality and + 1from Drawbacks)
Acrobatics 3
Art 0
Computers 1
Crime 1
Doctor 1
Driving 1
Getting Medieval 3 (1 level part of Slayer Quality)
Gun Fu 0
Influence 1
Knowledge 2
Kung Fu 5 (1 level part of Slayer Quality)
Languages 0
Ms. Fix-It 1
Notice 2
Occultism 2
Science 0
Sports 0
Wild Card 0

Qualities (20 + Slayer Qualities + 3 from Drawbacks)
Attractiveness +3 (3)
Contacts (Slayers) (2)
Fast Reaction Time (Part of Slayer Quality)
Hard to Kill 5 (Part of Slayer Quality)
Nerves of Steel (Part of Slayer Quality)
Situational Awareness (2)
Slayer (16)

Drawbacks (up to 10, which can add more Quality or Skill points) (4)
Adversary (Vampires & Demons) (Part of Slayer Quality)
Love (2)
Obligation (Part of Slayer Quality)
Secret (Slayer) (2)

Life Points 73
Drama Points 10

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