Sunday 30 August 2020




Portal Fantasy is a subgenre for characters going from one world (most often ours) to another. The Chronicles of Narnia is probably the most famous example. Doctor Who is basically portal science fantasy, Outlander uses it for time travel, and Stargate is portal military SF.

The premise is different depending on whether the portal goes both ways, and again if it’s mobile, restricting to one otherworld or jumping all over.

Portals can also open the other way - Primeval is more about things coming out than people going in.

Note that sending characters far from their starting point without the players’ knowledge is one of the basic Bait And Switch moves.

The Dungeons & Dragons cartoon put one in a rollercoaster, while plenty of other examples like DIE and Legendlore go with the obvious RPG idea of gamers being sent to a game world or somewhere similar.

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