Wednesday 26 August 2020




“Giles, planning on jumping in with an explanation any time soon?”
“Well, uh... something... something, um, very strange is happening.”
“Can you believe the Watchers’ Council let this guy go?”

The heroes of Buffy and Angel sometimes acknowledge that their lives are really weird, and the shows sometimes crank the Weird Level up a notch with a format-bending episode. I try to keep it to one or two per season.

But when it does strike, a strange idea can also go big and take the series forward, as well as being a fun break from the already odd norm. It might be enough to merit a two-parter to explore it.

Borrowing from the Buffy Season Eight comics, an example of genre shift influenced by medium...

2.15: Mild-Mannered Reporter

A cult steals an ancient mystical crystal, and Shelly gets cut while defending it and some of her blood spills on the stone, and...

“I can frickin’ fly!

2.16: We Could Be Heroes

What do you do with that kind of power? And what if you knew you could only keep it for so long before it kills you?

“I already had great power and great responsibility, now I just have great headaches...”

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