Friday 14 August 2020




“Okay, well, if my slaying doesn’t get me expelled, then I promise my banner making won’t get me killed. Okay? Just please let me get through this week.”
School Hard

In my first draft of this post, before remembering the above quote, I used this:
“Right, don’t mention Puny Banner...”
Avengers: Age Of Ultron

I couldn’t find a Buffyverse quote for something like a banner day or year either.

Some waffling, and then an adventure idea about college sports.

Sometimes monsters have heraldry, cult outfits, ritual scars and tattoos, and other kinds of visual identification.

The heroes may sometimes resent that their secret identities mean not getting a parade after saving the world again.

But on a campus you’re most likely to see banners for events which can foreshadow future episodes or just mark the passing of time, student groups which may appear in adventures too, or not...

... and of course for sports. US college sports are a very big deal. On TV high school sports are a big deal as well, they make whole shows about them, but college sports really are very important to a lot of their hosting institutions for financial as well as team spirit reasons.


2.02: Coming Home To Roost

The Homecoming game, and the Fenmore Falcons are expected to do well. Partially because of a potentially fatal curse on the visiting team. Willis notices something amiss, Madison is dating the starting quarterback, Caitlin gets a headache from sensing the curse-induced hallucinations plaguing the visitors, Ty rants about the funding of college sports, and Shelly has to punch out a phantasm.

“We need a way to get you on the field.”
“See, if this sport was co-ed I could just be on the team. I mean, I kick real good.”
“I think having a slayer in the team would also qualify as cheating.”
“You could throw me like one of those little flags?”

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