Sunday 30 August 2020




“You see, opening dimensional portals is a tricky business. Odds are he got himself stuck, rather like a, uh, cork in a bottle.”
The Harvest

Portals are a pretty big deal in the Buffyverse. The Hellmouth qualifies for one thing, as the Hell it opens onto isn’t entirely under the Earth. I think.

We also have other realms accessible through assorted rituals and powers, and most of them aren’t very nice. We see a lot of Hells but only get to hear about one Heaven second-hand, although there may be more. The World Without Shrimp is probably okay, depending on what else is missing as a result.

There are a variety of A Whole New World options available in the setting.

You can use these as reasons to drop various kind of monsters on the cast, or drop the cast into various kinds of adventures. They may also have to keep one sealed, or have to figure out a way to open one up.

Since we’ve already had characters falling and/or climbing through various kinds of Frame, there are several examples of problems that portals can provide there.

2.20: Rip It Up

Someone is opening dimensional portals, maybe as test runs. So far nothing disastrous has come out - although the portal to the World Of Nothing But Shrimp did lead to a lingering smell and a lot of excited gulls in the area - but how long will that last...?

“Okay, somebody is punching holes in the universe and they oughtta not do that.”

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