22f: Star Trek Adventures
There have been Star Trek RPGs about as long as there have been any licensed RPGs, but Star Trek Adventures in particular sets out to emulate the series rather than play-in-the-world simulation. It runs on a pretty simple system with several ways to boost results in the PCs’ favour, and the starting PCs are competent enough that publishers Modiphius have released rosters of various series PCs at starting level. it has other touches like bringing in supporting characters and encouraging reusing them.
The core rules have been slightly revised in a digest book and a Klingon-specific rulebook, but I’ve played from the first book so here we go.
And it looks like that’s one of the options supported in the online character creator.
It gives options to select or roll at every step, which I may use later. For now, selecting to recreate my first character.
Federation starship with a catchy name, senior staff of PCs, post-TNG era.
Star Trek: Horizon
A newly commissioned Manticore-class starship (Stargazer update, give it a new model) with a mission of scientific exploration and diplomatic outreach.
Captain Diana Carter
U.S.S. Horizon
Captain Carter is the daughter of a Starfleet senior designer at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on Mars so she grew up around starships, seeing how they come together and how it takes a crew to make them fly. Young for command, even of a relatively small ship, but she’s had to prove herself time and again.
“When you tell me something’s impossible, just remember that I’m from Mars.”
![]() |
Lena Headey |
Name: Diana Carter
Species: Human
Rank: Captain
Environment: Busy Colony
Upbringing: Starfleet (Accepted)
Assignment: Commanding Officer
Traits: Human
ATTRIBUTES (playable humans start at 7 each by default)
Control 11
Fitness 8
Daring 8
Insight 9
Presence 10
Reason 10
DISCIPLINES (skills, based on Starfleet departments)
Command 5
Conn 3
Engineering 3
Medicine 1
Science 2
Security 2
FOCUSES (skill specialties)
Extra-Vehicular Activity
Starfleet Protocols
VALUES (roleplay guides, Aspects which can have up and down sides)
Everyone deserves a second chance
Never do what you know is wrong
There’s always more to discover
Watch out for your people
TALENTS (These add bonuses in specific situations)
Spirit of Discovery
CAREER EVENTS (notable history moments which add to an Attribute and Discipline and a Focus)
Called Out A Superior
Negotiate A Treaty
The creator recommended executive officer first and then commanding officer. I would have to check the criteria.
I went with suggested Focuses. I might well have given her something like Starship Tactics instead of EVA, but it does fit her background.
And the PDF export was flagged as not secure. Oh well.
That took about twenty-five minutes, recreating and selecting everything. We’ll see if I get faster.
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