Tuesday 20 August 2024

#RPGaDay2024 20 - Amazing adventure


20 - Amazing adventure

I’ve actually used a published adventure this year! A published adventure for Vampire, no less, as Masquerade fifth edition has several. This one was Auld Sanguine, and granted I changed the enemy motivation and adjusted the hook to involve someone the PCs already knew, but that’s a lot more than usual.

I’ll reup my 2014 recommendations as well, as I started writing about Fated Voyage again.

20a - Adventure

Adventure! Tales Of The Aeon Society makes me happy simply by existing. The Trinity Continuum version actually getting supplements is an added bonus.

Happy anniversary!

20b - Battle

I am not a big tactical map thinky person. Despite having a fight scene in just about every episode of The Watch House for six years and some seasons ending with actual hordes-of-monsters battles, the best I managed was largely by accident, and resulted in a request for a sketch map to do it properly.

A fight with a pack of vampires during the day in an old house with heavy shutters. How many could the PCs open, keeping the vampires at bay, and keep open as they went from room to room?

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