Friday 23 August 2024

#RPGaDay2024 23 - Peerless player


23 - Peerless player

A good player brings ideas, shares the spotlight, helps with focus, and lets you know if they’re running late. An entertaining character is nice too. Maybe knowing enough of the rules to get by.

23a - Player

I’m more GM than player, but I do find it helps to play. It lets you try something new, see a familiar game from a new perspective, and also take a break from Forever GMing. I hope I qualify as a good player by my own standards...

23b - Ritual

There’s a reason so many Call Of Cthulhu and other horror adventures involve disrupting a ritual. A ritual takes time and preparation, and is conducted by people who are easier to fight than the extraterrestrial horror they’re trying to call down.

The episode of The Watch House where I accidentally gave the PCs a couple of days more than they needed to thwart a summoning ritual was a comedy highlight of the series. Good thing I didn’t do that in a more serious game.

There are quite a few comics like this but this one seemed nice.

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