Thursday 29 August 2024

#RPGaDay2024 29 - Awesome app


29 - Awesome app

Does making notes in email and sending them to myself count?

29a - App

Researching online is about as much of an issue for horror as mobile phones. But it’s also an opportunity to have demons on the internet.

29b - Knight

Knights in shining armour are among my childhood heroes, collections of toys and the like.

I have Playmobil Knights dating back to when they were localised as Playpeople.

I don’t think I’ve ever quite played one though. Partially from not playing a lot of fantasy, partially from getting into deconstructing it early as a Warhammer GM, partially from the main fantasy game being zero-to-hero so it would take levels to get to that point, and partially from running Pendragon for one session due to too many Monty Python And The Holy Grail quotes.

And after this thought I now want to do this properly.

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