Wednesday 7 August 2024

#RPGaDay2024 7 - RPG with 'good form'


7 - RPG with ‘good form’

There are a few ways to interpret ‘good form’ and as we have the alternative prompt I’ll do a couple.

Let’s go with ‘good form’ meaning reliability and consistency. Call Of Cthulhu has had the same introductory adventure for over forty years and people still speak fondly-slash-bitterly about getting killed by a floating bed.

7a – Good form

I feel like I should talk about Victorian or Regency games, where manners and decorum are expected of (a certain class of) character, the kind of thing that most games only do with courtly intrigue.

I remember comparing bruises after a ceilidh. And that was just physical.

7b - Forgotten City

When first running Adventure! I had a full-on ruined complex in the Amazon, and since D&D has traps as a cliché I wanted to avoid them so, unlike the shrine at the start of Raiders Of The Lost Ark, I had some which had also been abandoned. Some of them were still functional enough to be dangerous, the trap door had long since fallen in so needed to be avoided anyway, and the arrows slits became useful for the first time in centuries when the PCs had to fight a rival expedition.

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