Sunday 10 January 2021

Character Creation Challenge 10: Dread

31 Day Character Creation Challenge

10: Dread

A game with a questionnaire instead of numerical statistics.

Dread is a horror game that uses Jenga as its system, with an increasing chance of characters being taken out of the game when the tower falls on their move. It’s mostly set up for one-shots, though it’s possible to do a longer game, and character creation works by the host (GM) choosing thirteen often leading questions for the adventure and possibly for each character.

With no GM here I’ll fill in Character 1 from one of the pre-written adventures available on the site, Beneath The Full Moon. Spoilers ahead!

Philosophy Major regretting going on a camping trip
Unlike most philosophy majors, you chose your major for practical reasons. How do you intend to use your degree outside of academia?
A career in politics.

Why did you choose to join, and live in, a Greek house?
I’m a legacy, I joined the same fraternity as my father and uncle.

While your Greek experience has been almost entirely positive, one initiation rite crossed the line into hazing. How does it still haunt you?
The guy tapped out, decided to leave. I still see him around and I know I could have stopped it...

Why did you decide to do an adventure camping trip instead of the usual Spring Break beach party?
It was a challenge, a chance to prove I could. I was a Scout but not an Eagle Scout or anything like that.

What is your filth threshold? How do you respond when things aren’t clean enough for you?
I’m okay as long as it doesn’t get in my eyes. Or mouth. Or up my nose. Or if I’ve got a scratch. or... I’m okay.

How did your first pet die?
It was a goldfish, that’s what goldfish do.

Now that your guide is dead, why do you expect the others will start looking to you as the leader?
I have some wilderness survival skills. And confidence.

How did you get that scar?
Fell off my bike when I was eight. Still can’t really ride the damn things.

Other than the events of last night, what was the most surprising part of this trip so far?
The whole lost kayak thing.

How did you cheat on your last botany midterm?
Hey, I may have bought some past papers, but that’s research, not cheating. That’s just common sense. Why wouldn’t you?

Part of this trip is harder for you because of what phobia?
Leeches. I mean, come on, who isn’t bothered by those things?

What childhood hero has let you down?
Right now, I’m thinking Ranger Rick did not prepare me for this.

What is your name?
Doug Henderson.

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