Saturday 9 January 2021

Character Creation Challenge 9: Masks: A New Generation

31 Day Character Creation Challenge

9: Masks: A New Generation
(website includes a core playbook PDF)

A game with playbook-style character creation.

Playbooks were the big hit of Apocalypse World and the following Powered By The Apocalypse games, where you pick an archetype, choose which of a small selection of stat blocks, skill spreads and powers you want, and in some you can even go with a checklist for names and descriptions.

Masks: A New Generation is about the growing pains of a team of teenage superheroes, with playbooks like the positive Beacon and the mystical Doomed (both the Teen Titans and New Mutants have one) and since I’m not at a table I’ll roll a D10 to choose a playbook. 5 gets me the Janus - the character most concerned about their double life, the only one with a Secret Identity section in their rules, and the sample character art wearing a Spider-Man style full face mask with eye spots.

The Flip
Jerry Jordan

man, Black, boring clothing, concealing costume, character mask

Abilities (two from a list of six powers or skills, in this case powers)
impossible mobility
supernatural senses

Moves (You start with The Mask and two others of your choice)
The Mask: You wear a mask and hide your real identity. Choose what Label you try to embody while wearing your mask: Savior
Game face: When you commit yourself to save someone or defeat a terrible enemy, mark a condition and take +1 ongoing to all rolls in direct pursuit of that goal.
Mild-mannered: When you try to use your civilian identity to deceive, trick, or slip past someone, roll + Mundane.

Labels (at character creation, add +1 wherever you choose)
Danger 0
Freak -1
Savior +1 (added here)
Superior 0
Mundane +3

When did you first put on the mask? Why? To break into the lab where I was empowered, seeking answers.
Why do you keep a secret identity? My family and loved ones.
Who, outside of the team, knows about your dual identity? S/O and best friends, but I think my dad suspects.
Who thinks the worst of your masked identity? Robbery Homicide Captain Bates.
Why do you care about the team? They try to help, and at least kind of understand me.

Secret Identity
Your mundane life comes with a series of obligations. Choose a total of three obligations.
School: schoolwork
Social: significant other, best friend

Gifted with superhuman reactions as part of a trial, Jerry Jordan seeks answers and to help those in need with the uncanny leaping and alertness of... The Flip!

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