Friday 22 January 2021

Character Creation Challenge 22: Come Dice With Me

31 Day Character Creation Challenge

“A role-playing game inspired by a competitive dinner party show”

Kieron Gillen, writer of the “trapped in a fantasy RPG” comic series DIE and its RPG spinoff, created a party game and dropped it online free.

“Each player generates a contestant in a filmed reality show competition where they are all trying to host the best dinner party. Each contestant takes a turn throwing a party, and then is scored by the other contestants. The contestant with the highest score wins. While the contestants are competing to throw the best dinner party, the players are collaborating to make the most entertaining TV show.”

The game comes with random tables for character traits and professions (it needs D6s, and has tables set up with 6 sets of 1-6, so if you need a character trait or profession this page may be more generally useful. and a location table as well) but I'll set the game in Edinburgh because it's on there.

Chet, health writer
2 and 3 on the trait table gets me Fitness Freak, and 5 and 4 for profession gets me Journalist. (There is also an optional table for fantasy races.)

A roll on their origin gets 6, which makes them from another country. So we have, let’s say, an American health writer.

And now the table of ingredients or other aspects of food that they dislike. Two rolls:
3 and 6: shellfish
5 and 2: cheese

I roll the random vegetarian die, and am not randomly vegetarian, though I can still choose to be.

Name, pronouns (he/him) and other details.

And finally a menu: three courses (a starter, a main and a dessert), an entertainment to amuse the guests, and a dress code. No tables for these!

Creamy mushroom soup
Hunter’s chicken
Chocolate pots

Dangerously large Jenga
Smart casual

Other details are added in play, such as the random success of courses, awkward questions, and the finding of a Mysterious Object in the host’s house...

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