Thursday 28 January 2021

Character Creation Challenge 28: Star Trek Adventures

31 Day Character Creation Challenge

28: Star Trek Adventures

Having made characters for Star Wars, Doctor Who, Buffy and The One Ring, following the challenge starter’s example with Star Trek. I’ve played all the official games from FASA’s onward and seen a lot of different approaches to the setting and style.

Star Trek Adventures has a fairly straightforward system involving multiple D20s and D6s, with a lot of options to help each other and gain other bonuses, such that characters feel competent from the outset but some of the dice rolling feels unnecessary.

Characters are created by a short lifepath system. I’ve created a character for one series before and chose a human because nobody else at the table did. I played the captain for the same reason.

So going a bit further (though not as far as the options for creating a DIY species or a non-Starfleet character) and rolling the random species table for the TNG era.

Lieutenant Commander Tak jav Krer
Tellarite Chief Engineer

All characters begin with a score of 7 for each Attribute and 1 for each Discipline.

1: Species
16 on a D20 gets...
Stout and often bearded, notoriously stubborn and picky, a counterpoint to the pointy-eared, long-lived Vulcans... hmm...

Attributes: +1 Control, +1 Fitness, +1 Insight

Trait: Tellarite. Tellarites have a keen sense of smell and a high tolerance for many common drugs, toxins, and inebriants (Tellarites don’t get drunk, just feisty). They also have excellent eyesight, and more acute perception of distance, depth, and dimension than Humans.

Talents: The character receives access to the following talents:
Incisive Scrutiny

Example Value: All ideas must withstand scrutiny

2: Environment
5 on a D6 get Starship or Starbase as his home environment

Value: At this step, the character gains a single Value. Picking one of the examples:
“Engineer at heart”

Attribute: +1 to Control or Insight. Go with Control.
Discipline: +1 to one of Command, Conn, or Engineering. Go with Engineering.

3: Upbringing
Choosing rather than rolling as I’ve decided to lean in to Engineer, go for Science and Technology, and accepted rather than rebelled.

Attributes: Control +2 and Reason +1.
Discipline: +1 to Conn, Engineering, Science, or Medicine. Science so I’m not totally specialised.
Focus: Power Systems
Talent: one from the full list.

4: Starfleet Academy
Going for the Operations track rather than the random option.

Value: from the list in the Career Events section, “meticulous scrutiny and pride in his/her work”
Attributes: +3 anywhere.
Disciplines: Either Engineering or Security +2. Engineering.
Two others +1 each. Conn and Security
Focuses: 3 Focuses, at least one of which should relate to the character’s chosen Track.
Computers, Hand Phasers, Warp Engines.
Talent: one again.

5: Career
Young, Experienced or Veteran officer. Going with a Veteran.
Value: DIYing here, “Take care of your ship, your tools and your staff.”
Talent: Veteran (Roll to regain Determination immediately after spending it.)

6: Career Events
Each career event increases one Attribute and one Discipline by one point each, and gives the character one additional Focus. Roll twice on a D20 table. This is random even if you haven’t been rolling before.

6: Encounter with a truly alien being
+1 Reason, +1 Science, Focus like Empathy, Philosophy, Xenobiology. Go with Xemobiology. Encountered space-based beings drawn to warp emissions and helped devise a lure to lead them away from the ship’s threatened engines.

19: Breakthrough or invention
+1 to any Attribute, +1 Engineering, Focus like Experimental Technology, Invention, or Improvisation. Go with Invention.
Restructuring the (tech) to (tech)

7: Finishing Touches
Value: DIY again, “Don’t get complacent”
Attributes: If any are over 12, and more than one is at 12, move points. Then add 1 to two.
Disciplines: As above with 5, then add 1 to two.

Final check: Attributes should add up to 56. Disciplines should add up to 16. The character should have 4 Values, 4 Talents, and 6 Focuses.
Stress: A character has Stress equal to their Fitness Attribute, plus their Security Discipline.
Damage Bonus: On all attacks, a character gains bonus equal to their Security Discipline.

Control 12
Fitness 9
Presence 7
Daring 9
Insight 8
Reason 12

Command 2
Security 2
Science 3
Conn 3
Engineering 5
Medicine 1

Hand Phasers
Power Systems
Warp Engines

Technical Expertise
I Know My Ship
Incisive Scrutiny

“Engineer at heart”
“Meticulous scrutiny and pride in his/her work”
“Don’t get complacent”
“Take care of your ship, your tools and your staff”

Stress 11
Damage Bonus 2

Lieutenant Commander Krer grew up around starships at a frontier engineering base, and joined Starfleet to travel himself. He feels his duty is to keep his ship running and his staff safe, and the commanding officers had better not endanger either without a very good reason.

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