Friday 8 January 2021

Character Creation Challenge 8: Jim Henson's Labyrinth

31 Day Character Creation Challenge

8: Jim Henson’s Labyrinth: The Adventure Game

A totally new game to me!

It felt apt for David Bowie’s birthday.

A rules-light game, with most of the book given over to a modular adventure, as the characters try to get their Goal back from the Goblin King before the clock strikes thirteen.

Basically roll 1D6, unless you have a helpful Trait where you roll 2D6 and pick the best or a relevant Flaw where you roll 2D6 and choose the worst.

Kin (character type, which decides some Traits and Flaws)

Traits (I get to choose 2 as a human)
Endurance and bravery
Story knowledge

No good in a fight

Goal (what the Goblin King stole from some or all of the group, normally decided in the group)
Her father’s love

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