Thursday 12 August 2021

#RPGaDAY2021 12: THINK



These prompts make me think, so for THINK I will think about what gets me to think.

RPGs are a mix of preparation and improvisation, and I gravitate towards improv in session with thinking about it, reading game material and taking in relevant media to prime myself in the meantime, so I improvise from a base of familiarity. And even then the blank page is a real problem. I like to come to a session with at least a couple of bullet points about what happened last time and what we might follow up on.

Improv games work like this too. Whose Line Is It Anyway? has world-class comedy improvisers working with prompts to improvise from, like RPGaDAY provides prompts to write about. This is also where thought exercises like adventure hooks based on song titles come from.

Bonus round:

Consensus - How well does the party work together, and how much does that matter? It varies from game to game, group to group and session to session. A Star Trek away team should be expected to work smoothly unless the adventure is about that breaking down for some reason, while if a group of Paranoia troubleshooters work smoothly something has gone very wrong. The players don’t need to work together smoothly, on the other hand, but some cooperation is usually required.

Deep - The better you know the genre of a game and its specific lore, the better you can prepare or improvise something that feels like it fits.

Triumph - I love pulling off a really out there session, which often involves more planning than usual, like the episode of The Watch House where two of the PCs discovered they were characters in a TV series. (The other players were already in on it.) Not something you can do every week, but sometimes a big session is worth the extra planning.

Runeslinger on Consensus

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