Sunday 29 August 2021




System matters. How much it matters depends how much you use it. But even if you handwave a lot, you still probably went through character generation and the like and that set up some expectations.

The first RPG I ran for more than a couple of sessions was TOON, where the system absolutely pushes the Looney Tunes playstyle to the extent that when you run out of Hit Points you Fall Down - and get back up again fully restored three minutes later.

All systems, even the simplest, have effects on playstyle whether intended or not. Generic games still have specific feels.

Some of my favourite playstyle pushing rules include Drama Points in Buffy The Vampire Slayer which balance White Hats with Heroes and give rules for moments like Giles having an Orb of Thesulah as a paperweight, Stress Dice in ALIEN to model characters getting ever jumpier and being able to lower them by looking forlornly at photos of loved ones, and the initiative system in C7’s Doctor Who where you’re ranked by what you’re doing and talking always goes first, then running, then doing anything else except fighting, and then fighting.

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