Saturday 14 August 2021

#RPGaDAY2021 Vampire 14V: Safety


The World Of Darkness is not a safe place, but your table should be.

I discussed out of character safety tools in my main post, and the Vampire: The Masquerade fifth edition rulebook PDF has a good primer on their use. Horror games need particular thought about safety mechanics like ratings and content warnings.

As also noted in my main post, characters need places to think and reflect in between dangers. So I’ll address that here.

Monsters with some level of society need places to meet where they can expect to walk out no more dead than they were when they walked in.

In the Vampire family of games this means Elysium, a declared neutral ground where fighting, Discipline use and other hostile actions are forbidden, with a powerful enough vampire or vampires there to make sure this is maintained.

As you can probably imagine this doesn’t always work.

This is particularly true in LARPs, chats and other games with a large player base, where the royal court at Elysium is the standard setup for regular sessions, and as such is the place you’re most likely to see a fight or an assassination attempt.

Anarchs in Vampire: The Masquerade aren’t as formal about this as the Camarilla, but still often have agreed meeting places. Individual groups like the clans might have their own places, or declare somewhere for a meeting regularly or occasionally.

The Rack, the run of vampire-friendly nightclubs for easy hunting, is also neutral and often protected due to its obvious value.

Nocturne sits outside the Rack in our city, afforded no protection by the Camarilla, but its standing as a place Anarchs can come and go gives it some recognition. And often makes it a target.

2.02: Nowhere To Run
(This would actually work better as a season opener than yesterday’s prompt.)

The Rack overseer’s coterie chases an out of town Anarch out of the biggest club in town, claiming she left a bloodless body behind. She makes it to Nocturne and calls for the crew to protect her.

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