Friday 27 August 2021




Multiplication and division and fractions are best avoided in game mechanic maths, I feel. Multiplying stake through the heart or beheading damage in Buffy is fun, but doing it for regular attacks always felt a bit fiddly.

What fraction of the games I own have I run, let alone played? Not a big one these days. The first RPG I bought and have never run was Monster Horrorshow circa age 13, but it was still rare before the era of disposable incomes. I’ve only run three of the five original World Of Darkness games, with Werewolf and Wraith for one short run each.

Bonus round:

Practice - GMing, playing, improv, systems, all get better with practice.

Kindle - I don’t know how to start a campfire for real, but I do know about dry kindling.

Group - Unless they’re specifically meant to be unique, I make sure to have a few other PC-type groups in settings besides the PCs. I talked about this with vampires here, but it also applies to adventuring parties, super teams, starship crews, bands and more. The tricky part is having multiple NPCs talking, but this also still works with individual NPCs. Having a clear signifier such as an image helps, as does switching somewhat to narrative - “Anson says to watch out in the warehouse, and Belle nods in agreement before continuing...”

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