Thursday 12 August 2021

#RPGaDAY2021 Vampire 12V: Think


Having discussed out of character thinking prompts in my main post, in character thinking. Characters in the Darkness family of games can have a variety of mental powers. They can read minds, control thoughts and emotions, see auras, influence dreams and the like. Almost every vampire clan has a Discipline that influences minds - even the Gangrel can shut down a person’s fight or flight response with Animalism. Mages have a wide array of mental effects, not least in the Sphere of Mind. Wraiths are souls or minds without physical bodies.

This gives characters a variety of ways to influence the people about them, affect the world and learn hidden secrets.

And while I don’t like to press this as a Storyteller as it can undermine too much of the game world, they can never be entirely sure of their own thoughts and senses.

1.12: Thinking Of You

Alice realises that her father is still alive. She has no idea how she knows, but she knows. (Or Mercy senses that her sire has died, or Paris knows that her sire has created another childe...) With the connections of the blood, sudden insight can hit vampires and ghouls as they feel bonds snap or shift. Whatever the case, something must be done.

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