Saturday 21 August 2021




The first RPG I played and then ran, Fighting Fantasy, had three randomly-generated statistics and two of them hardly ever came up. I’ve tended towards simple systems ever since.

This is the rules section.

These days, when GMing I’ll often take the average rather than roll for NPCs (a rule from Buffy) and guesstimate hits in combat so that three solid strikes or one clever move will take down most opponents.

Bonus round:

Special edition, all related to the same concept.

Challenge - Hey, this is a challenge! But okay. In some games I fudge, in some games I let the system take care of that, I’m not really a “let the dice fall” GM but it generally varies. I’m more likely to run games which are chances for the PCs to be awesome without that falling flat.

Fear - Which makes horror gaming tricky, so while I’m less kind than in other genres I still tend towards spooky rather than white-knuckle fear.

Motive - Because that can tip into stress.

Runeslinger on Challenge

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