Tuesday 17 August 2021

#RPGaDAY2021 Vampire 17V: Trap


The Darkness family of games encourage ambushing enemies as a tactic, because the first strike is often telling and damage causes loss of dice in pools. It’s been described as less a combat system than a mugging system. As noted in my main post, this can lead to planned ambushes, sniping and other sensible but undramatic tactics. The Vampire games go some way to discouraging this by making melee better against Kindred, but the Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies option is still there, as it is with the various overwhelming supernatural beings in the setting, up to and including God.

An ambush allows an enemy to approach and discuss things in relative safety.

The enemies most likely to use ambushes and traps to attack immediately are hunters, not other vampires. Try not to get their attention.

2.05: See And Be Seen

A club like Nocturne is conspicuous, which has advantages and disadvantages. It deters casual threats and is a prime target for organised ones. How good is the club’s security really?

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